AG Kemerink, 24.01.2024 Manuscript accepted in Advanced Functional Materials

Electrically Programmed Doping Gradients Optimize the Thermoelectric Power Factor of a Conjugated Polymer

Congratulations to Doro and Martijn, for their recent publication entitled  “Electrically Programmed Doping Gradients Optimize the Thermoelectric Power Factor of a Conjugated Polymer” in Advanced Functional Materials. This publication is the result of a co-operation within the ITN HORATES network.

Full citation: 

J. Liu, M. Craighero, V. K. Gupta, D. Scheunemann, S. H. K. Paleti, E. Järsvall, Y. Kim, K. Xu, J. S. Reparaz, L. J. A. Koster, M. Campoy-Quiles, M. Kemerink, A. Martinelli, C. Müller, Electrically Programmed Doping Gradients Optimize the Thermoelectric Power Factor of a Conjugated Polymer. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2312549.