Research Groups
The IMSEAM offers space for approximately 120 people of five groups (Blasco, Fischer, Heinzelmann, Kemerink, Selhuber-Unkel) and one junior research groups (Melde) as well as for scientists of associated groups.
Research at the IMSEAM deals with the design and synthesis of new polymer-based functional materials with applications in 3D/4D printing, responsive and 3D structured materials, as well as bioinspired systems, Soft robotics, the interaction of acoustic, optical, electric, and magnetic fields with matter at small length scales, 3-D fabrication methods exploiting self-assembly, actuation, and propulsion. Also innovative device concepts such as organic solar cells, molecular ferro- and piezoelectrics, organic thermoelectrics and ratchets including the underlying fundamental electronic processes covering experimental work to numerical simulations are part of the IMSEAM research. More details can be found on the group websites.