AG Selhuber-Unkel, 15.08.2024 3DMM2O Cluster Portrait Movie released on YouTube

Prof. Dr. Selhuber-Unkel is the Heidelberg spokesperson of the Cluster of Excellence 3D Matter Made to Order (3DMM2O). The Cluster is dedicated to pioneering the frontiers of 3D printing, focusing particularly on micro, nano, and molecular scales, with applications spanning engineering and life sciences. 

As part of the cluster renewal process, group member Jonathan Schmidt produced a video portrait of the cluster featuring serveral cluster reserachers from Heidelberg and Karlsruhe, including Prof. Dr. Selhuber-Unkel. In this video, Principal Investigators and Young Scientists from the Cluster showcase their diverse research projects and share their vision for the future of 3D additive manufacturing. Discover how the Cluster is pushing the boundaries of 3D printing technology and nurturing the next generation of scientists through cutting-edge research!