Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials


Job Offers

Approximately 120 people are working at the IMSEAM. You want to become part of the team? Check out our offers directly at the Institute, but also in the individual research groups.


The IMSEAM is located in the Neuenheimer Feld of Heidelberg University and is part of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences. Approximately 120 scientists and technicians are working on new materials, devices and methods on the molecular level with modern techniques and new approaches on the system level.

Research Groups

Four research groups and two junior research groups are located at the IMSEAM working together on solutions for problems relevant for the society. The IMSEAM is also hosting scientists of associated groups.


The Master program Molecular Systems Science and Engineering is located at the IMSEAM, but also students from the Molecular Biotechnology, Matter to Life, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are taught and perform bachelor or master thesis at the IMSEAM.

Core Facilities

There are three core facilities located at the IMSEAM, wich are also available to groups of Heidelberg University offering a broad range of techniques for device fabrication and characterization, soft(bio) materials characterization and for microfluidics.