| Melde, K., Athanassiadis, A. G., Missirlis, D., Shi, M., Seneca, S., Fischer, P. “Ultrasound-assisted tissue engineering” Nature Reviews Bioengineering (2024) | |
| Melde, K., Kremer, H., Shi, M., Seneca, S., Frey, C., … & Fischer, P. Compact Holographic Sound Fields Enable Rapid One-Step Assembly of Matter in 3D. Science Advances, 9(6), eadf6182, (2023) | |
| Athanassiadis, A. G., Ma, Z., Moreno-Gomez, N., Melde, K., Choi, E., Goyal, R., Fischer, P., Ultrasound-Responsive Systems as Components for Smart Materials. Chemical Reviews, 122(5), 5165-5208, (2022). | |
| Ma, Z., Melde, K., Athanassiadis, A. G., Schau, M., Richter, H., Qiu, T., & Fischer, P. Spatial ultrasound modulation by digitally controlling microbubble arrays. Nature Communications, 11(1), 4537, (2020). | |
| Ma, Z., Holle, A. W., Melde, K., … & Fischer, P. Acoustic Holographic Cell Patterning in a Biocompatible Hydrogel. Advanced Materials, 32(4), 1904181, (2019) | |
| Cox L., Melde K., Croxford A., Fischer P., & Drinkwater B. W. Acoustic hologram enhanced phased arrays for ultrasonic particle manipulation. Physical Review Applied, 12(6), 064055, (2019) | |
| Melde, K., Qiu, T., & Fischer, P. Fast spatial scanning of 3D ultrasound fields via thermography. Applied Physics Letters, 113(13), 133503, (2018). | |
| Melde, K., Choi, E., Wu, Z., Palagi, S., Qiu, T., & Fischer, P. Acoustic Fabrication via the Assembly and Fusion of Particles. Advanced Materials, 30(3), 1704507, (2018) | |
| Melde, K., Mark, A. G., Qiu, T., & Fischer, P. Holograms for acoustics. Nature, 537(7621), 518, (2016) | |