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Molecular Systems Science and Engineering Curriculum


The MSSE curriculum is highly interdisciplinary and is therefore designed to be modular while still offering the full range of topics relevant to the field of molecular systems science and engineering. During the first year of the program, the knowledge basis for successful practical work in the field is established, first with lectures featuring the basics of the different sub-fields and then with individualized specialization modules. Following a specialization path to completion ensures that students reach the state-of-the-art in the area and become fully competitive.

The master includes a research phase (2nd year), consisting of a seminar, a study project in the scientific specialization, lab rotations and the Master thesis, where students acquire the ability to do independent research and to document and publish their own research work. They deepen their knowledge on scientific methods, lab skills, entrepreneurship and creativity, interdisciplinary thinking, gain experience in practical applications as well as important communication competences and the ability to work in teams.

MSSE-1 Core Module Complex 

  • Energy Conversion: Core principles and regulations governing energy conversion, practical calculations, operational mechanisms of specific energy conversion tools and system, performance assessments, material requirements.
  • Molecular Engineering: overview of typical reactions and common organic chemistry synthesis methods, molecular characterization methods.
  • Biomaterials: molecular engineering, typical reactions and common organic chemistry synthesis methods, molecular characterization techniques.
  • Nanosystems: Types of nanosystems, manufacturing processes, characterization methods for nanosystems, applied nanosystems and their functionalities.
  • Philosophy and Ethics in the Engineering Sciences: Discussions and comparisons regarding the questions and principles within the philosophy of science and Molecular Systems Science.

Students will have to complete three out of five modules.

MSSE-2 Core Module Complex 

  • Specialization (Macro)Molecular Engineering: Fundamental principles of macromolecules and polymers, advanced synthesis techniques, properties, and characterization methods related to macromolecules. 
  • Specialization Life Inspired Molecular Systems: Biomaterial classes and their corresponding properties, mechanics of biomaterial systems, integrate knowledge from disciplines such as biomedicine, biophysics, and biostatistics.
  • Specialization Physics of Functional Materials: Advanced and functional engineering materials, employ principles from physics, chemistry, and materials science for articulating the characteristics of advanced and functional engineering materials.
  • Specialization Physical and Biological Principles of Sensing: Information science, analyze strategies within information sciences and computing, model molecular systems.

Students will have to complete one out of four modules.

MSSE-3 Core Module Complex 

  • Functional Organic Materials: Optoelectronic properties of organic (semi)conductors, operational mechanisms of common organic electronic devices, numerical experiments, analyzing experimental data.
  • Synthetic Biosystems: Synthetic biology
  • Advanced Macromolecular Chemistry: Designing, synthesizing, and developing macromolecules for practical real-world applications, processes of polymer synthesis and characterization, determination of the structures and properties of macromolecules.
  • Physics of Molecular Systems Science and Engineering: Molecular systems, physical characterization of molecular systems and their fabrication techniques, applications of molecular systems

Students will have to complete two out of four modules.

Full module handbook


During the first year, students are introduced to the core research topics within the field of molecular systems science and engineering and then have the opportunity to narrow down their focus. Alongside the scientific training, they’ll acquire essential skills and techniques for lab work. 

In the second year, students get to apply this knowledge firsthand when they join our affiliated research groups full-time during their lab rotations and Master Thesis.


In the first semester, students learn the basics of Molecular Systems Science by choosing three out of the five main topics:

  • Energy Conversion
  • Molecular Engineering
  • Biomaterials
  • Nanosystems
  • Philosophy and Ethics in the Engineering Science

They furthermore choose one of the four specializations:

  • Specialization (Macro) Molecular Engineering
  • Specialization Life Inspired Molecular Systems
  • Specialization Physics of Functional Materials
  • Specialization Physical and Biological Principles of Sensing

In addition, students are introduced to the basics of Data and Project Management.


In the second semester, students choose their two final specialization topics:

  • Functional Organic Materials
  • Synthetic Biosystems
  • Advanced Macromoelcular Chemistry
  • Physics of Molecular Systems Science and Engineering

They are furthermore introduced to the methods and lab practices necessary for their lab rotations and Master Thesis in the Creative Science Lab (rotation and seminar).

Additionally, they learn about Technology Transfer at Heidelberg University.


The third semester is focused on lab rotations in one of the many host labs available at the IMSEAM and other locations at Heidelberg University and abroad. 


The fourth semester is reserved for the Master Thesis.